Executive Teams: Leadership and Management

Members of executive teams fulfill a leadership role and a management role. Leadership and management are two very different things. Exceptional executive teams know the difference and give each role their proper attention, focus, and discipline.
Apply What You Know First

Individuals in leadership roles are usually very committed to continually improving. This is especially essential for individuals on executive teams as they are the most impactful team in their organization.
Especially Valuable for Executive Teams

How do you accelerate your performance from acceptable to exceptional? The answer is; unwavering commitment, elevated passion, and a clarified system you adhere to and adapt for you.
Thinking versus Action

Executive Leadership Teams: Thinking versus Action Thinking should precede all executive actions. Swinging into action without thought is like crossing a busy street without looking both ways. Successful outcomes require, at least, a few minutes of thinking and getting to clarity before pouncing. It is not about analysis leading to paralysis. It is about confirming […]
New Things

Executive Leadership Teams: New Things Almost everyone likes new things. Elite executive teams like new things in their personal and professional lives. However, doing new things in an organization is not always easy. When making changes in an organization, there are two categories to consider. One type is incremental change, and the other is a […]
A Framework for Executive Leadership Teams

Executive Leadership Teams: A Framework for Executive Leadership Teams Following is an outline of the Framework for Leading™ for Elite Executive Teams. Elite Executive Teams must always: Maintain and share clarity about the organization’s big picture (internal and external) Make sure the parts work together efficiently and effectively Communicate succinctly and clearly Engage individuals with […]
Hearts – Minds – Lives

Executive Leadership Teams: Hearts – Minds – Lives Executive leadership teams are equally responsible for reducing stress and producing smiles as they are for creating financial success. Individuals engaged in environments with low stress and lots of smiles are more productive than those in high-stress workplaces. Leaders must be fully vested in others with their […]
The Customer Experience

Executive Leadership Teams: The Customer Experience Executive Leadership Teams must be the designated facilitators of the customer experience in their organizations. They must engage with the designers and the implementers of the customer experience for all categories of customers. The quality of their engagement is essential for the company’s success with customers. It is OK […]
Facilitator Leadership™

Executive Leadership Teams: Facilitator Leadership™ Facilitator Leadership™ is a replacement for Command and Control Leadership. Command and Control Leadership is characterized by setting goals and driving everyone as hard as possible to attain or exceed the targets. The focus is on outcomes and not enough on the issues impacting the talented individuals making it all […]
Thoughts – Attitudes – Motives

Executive Leadership Teams: Thoughts – Attitudes – Motives Executive leadership teams are responsible for and required to consider and care for the hearts, minds, and lives of all who engage with their organization (employees, customers, vendors, and alliances). Individuals engage with an organization eager to contribute and make a difference in the world, themselves, and […]