A Leadership Framework for Executive Teams

• Accelerate Growth

• Accelerate Performance

• Create Exceptional Outcomes

Adopt Zynity's Leadership Framework Apps™

"Leadership your way, with structure."
Let's Talk
Essential for growing organizations with:
  • $5MM to $100MM in revenue
  • Four or more on their executive team
  • A commitment to exceptional outcomes
  • A passion for ongoing improvement
  • A coachable team
He knows what I'm thinking.
I know what he's thinking.
It's really nice.
--Tom Brady, NFL Quarterback
Zynity’s Apps help you be as good
at what you do, as
Tom Brady is at what he does.
--Dwaine Canova, CEO of Zynity

The Leadership Framework Apps™

Using the Dashboards accelerate performance and outcomes.

  • Alignment - clarify and align at the thinking and doing levels to ensure engagement as a high-performance team.

  • Stakeholders - clarify the process of attracting, engaging, and growing stakeholder relationships to ensure everyone knows how what they do matters and impacts the whole stakeholder/customer experience.

  • Strategies - itemize, clarify, prioritize, and engage everyone so they know next steps to ensure growth, ongoing improvement, and innovation.

  • Reporting - structured and scheduled reviews of all reports to ensure they are accurate and used correctly. This helps everyone understand there is a method to setting goals and the numbers used to measure progress.

The Leadership Framework™


Let's explore how this will work for you!     Let's Connect

Every organization and executive team is unique.
Each executive team adopts the framework and applies our Apps in a schedule and sequence best suited for them.
Our Coaches and support teams know this is not a one-size fits all solution.

"Scale leadership capabilities and capacities as you grow revenue."


Board Member

Our board members are convinced we are more connected and aligned than ever, with little extra effort. Access via the phone helps me post all my thoughts rather than forgetting them as I did in the past.

C-Suite Member

The other members of the C team now have more ideas for me than ever before. We share more fully in the App, and I can edit my post to make them clearer for others. We talk through our bigger issues in meetings more thoroughly than ever.

C-Suite Member

Having all the opinions and ideas about each topic in one place makes for real collaboration. I now know how others on the team think and what they are thinking about. This gives an added dimension to our emotional and intellectual connectedness.

Board Member

We stay more connected and engaged between meetings. The postings are like a journal for us, and we can access them at any time on all of our devices. We are adding more value to the company simply because we have visibility to ideas and issues as they come up.

C-Suite Member

We don’t have to wait for a gathering for all of us to be informed about an issue and others’ thinking and opinions about what to focus on and what to do. This is a big improvement over trying to make sense of a string of emails.

C-Suite Member

Getting everyone’s input and considerations in one place about each issue makes it easier to follow the train of thinking. It is very easy to see others’ comments and know that each comment is connected to a specific comment.

Contact Us

Let's talk. Our process begins with understanding you and your organization's objectives and unique circumstances.
We help executive teams add structure and apply their leadership style, concepts, and principles more effectively.

Complete the form and submit.
A team member will reply promptly.

We will arrange a Demo at your request.

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