Executive Leadership Teams:
Hearts – Minds – Lives

Executive leadership teams are equally responsible for reducing stress and producing smiles as they are for creating financial success. Individuals engaged in environments with low stress and lots of smiles are more productive than those in high-stress workplaces.
Leaders must be fully vested in others with their hearts, minds, and lives to inspire them. Leaders must continually build their thoughts, attitudes, and motives with genuine care about and concern for others. Done correctly, these attitudes and motives cascade throughout the organization inspiring and transforming lives.
Accomplishments of growth, performance, and value are significant but transitory for individuals and their organizations. What leaders accomplish in the hearts, minds, and lives of individuals lasts and multiplies. The accomplishments represented in an organization’s numbers are important but will be forgotten. Robust numbers created by the organization are needed to support thriving lives. Individual’s lives and the organization’s numbers must work very well together.
Executive leaders of organizations are responsible for building an environment in which individuals live vibrant and rewarding lives. Peace and exceptional performance are much easier to accomplish when there is structure, encouragement, collaboration, inspiration, respect, and sincere concern for others.
Elite performance and outcomes require structure and discipline. Creating and using a defined, clear, and active executive leadership system provides the structured platform needed to guide the desired disciplines. Once in place, it is easier to encourage, collaborate, inspire, respect, and deliver sincere concern for others. It is good to talk about these principles (disciplines). It is even more important to assure they get fully applied to create the maximum benefit for all.
We are passionate about helping executive teams get to their exceptional level.
To help this movement, I have devoted years to building the system presented in the Exceptional Executive Teams book. I wish I had known this earlier in my life. I would have contributed to others’ lives even more positively.
For a PDF copy of the book Exceptional Executive Teams, click here
© Copyright 2019 to present by Dwaine Canova All Rights Reserved Dwaine is the author of the book Exceptional Executive Teams.