Ocean of Leadership Teachings

There is a vast ocean of spectacular leadership teachings.
We read and attend webinars.
However, most of the teachings do not get applied.
There is no leadership system in which to apply them.
̶ Dwaine Canova
From Acceptable to Exceptional

Exceptional performance is possible with deliberate structure, clarity, and guidance.
Executive teams must establish and apply a leadership system to ensure the entire organization engages with a shared focus. –Dwaine Canova
Executive Team Dynamics

Every executive team is a unique combination of strengths. Team strength is the collaboration and the interaction of individual strengths. The challenge for the coach is to leverage the interaction dynamics of each individual’s capabilities and capacities to optimize team outcomes. ─Dwaine Canova
Experience is a Great Teacher

Experience may be the best teacher, but we are not always good students of the experiences. ̶ Dwaine Canova