Executive Team Leadership Is Science And Art

Executive team leadership is science and art. Solid science allows for creative art and innovation. Chaos replaces science and distracts art, making innovation impossible. An executive leadership system provides science for the art and inspires innovation. --Dwaine Canova
Executive team leadership - science and art

Successful growth and innovation in organizations require the disciplines of science and the creativity of art. Executive leadership requires a deliberate and reasoned application of both science and art.

According to the Science Council, science is “the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. The methodology includes data, observation, reasoning, experimentation, measurement, repeatability, and verification.”

One modern definition of art is “something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful.” It is enviable when talented individuals in organizations describe their life at work as beautiful. Sadly, we do not hear it very often.

Executive teams need a leadership system in which to apply their leadership art. The system provides the required structure, collaboration, and alignment. Connect with us, and let’s explore if we are a fit for one another to guide you in this process.

Zynity’s suites of Apps empower executive teams to conduct their leadership role at exceptional levels. The Apps provide the structure and discipline needed to apply leadership activities, concepts, and principles effectively and consistently.

We are passionate about helping executive teams get to their exceptional level.

To help this movement, I have devoted years to building the system presented in the Exceptional Executive Teams book. 

I wish I had known this earlier in my life. I would have contributed to others’ lives even more positively.

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Exceptional Executive Teams
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