Podcast Interview:
'Building Teams of the Future' with Jeff Cohen

Executive Conflict and Employee Engagement
Interview/discussion: Host: Jeff Cohen, Guest: Dwaine Canova
A look at the Gallup Report: 2022 State of the Global Workplace and how Leadership Team environments generate Employee Engagement.
Join me and my expert guest @Dwaine Canova live.
In just 20 minutes we will:
- Look at the issue.
- Look at options for how we improve the current situation.
- Create priority actions that shift the experience you, your employees and customers have today!
We are passionate about helping executive teams get to their exceptional level.
To help this movement, I have devoted years to building the system presented in the Exceptional Executive Teams book. I wish I had known this earlier in my life. I would have contributed to others’ lives even more positively.
For a PDF copy of the book Exceptional Executive Teams, click here
© Copyright 2019 to present by Dwaine Canova All Rights Reserved Dwaine is the author of the book Exceptional Executive Teams.